Equity, Sustainability and Resilience

Environmental Justice and Equitable Reinvestment

Community Reinvestment Plan Celebrates Historic Civil Rights Neighborhood – Birmingham, Alabama


Northern Birmingham, Alabama, holds a special place in our nation’s history as a symbol of America’s hard-earned progress on civil rights. In recent decades, however, the neighborhoods have faced sustained decline and disinvestment.


Skeo facilitated an 18-month community planning process to support the Northern Birmingham Community Coalition in developing its Revitalization Action Plan. The Plan outlines strategies for improving access to health care, neighborhood services and housing. As part of the process, we completed a detailed analysis of community conditions, connected the Coalition with local and national revitalization partners, and led a series of capacity-building trainings.


The Coalition published its Action Plan in May 2016. It is now working with local and federal resource partners on project implementation and next steps.