Equity, Sustainability and Resilience

Environmental Justice and Equitable Reinvestment

Neighborhood-based Watershed Plan Stimulates Collaborative Investments – Raleigh, North Carolina


The Lower Little Rock Creek watershed in Raleigh, North Carolina, includes a neglected creek and neighborhoods that lack sidewalks and crosswalks. To find a solution to these issues, common in urban waterways, Skeo launched the Walkable Watershed initiative. We selected Lower Little Rock Creek from a competitive application process as the first Mid-Atlantic Walkable Watershed pilot.


The initiative provided an opportunity for local government and community organizations to improve water quality and quality of life in the Lower Little Rock Creek watershed. The walkable watershed approach is a creative, effective way to achieve environmental, social equity and community development goals.

The project brought together city staff, community members, nonprofits and students to develop a Watershed Concept Plan that prioritizes locations for street improvements, safe intersection crossings, trail access, rain gardens and watershed stewardship signs. Building on community goals, the Plan identifies strategies to improve pedestrian amenities, creek health and watershed stewardship.



The Walkable Watershed Concept Plan has helped support formation of a cross-departmental city team, foster partnerships and build momentum for near-term opportunities. The resulting Action Plan is guiding cross-program activities and neighborhood investments.

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