In Southern California’s San Gabriel Valley, decades of improper waste handling and disposal by more than 100 facilities contaminated soil and groundwater. EPA outreach found that area communities had major public health concerns.
In Southern California’s San Gabriel Valley, decades of improper waste handling and disposal by more than 100 facilities contaminated soil and groundwater. EPA outreach found that area communities had major public health concerns.
Community needs assessments by Skeo led to a site-wide workshop in the spring of 2016. We developed graphics, maps, plain language fact sheets, a children’s activity handout and hands-on demonstrations to help the public understand groundwater contamination and cleanup efforts.
During the workshop, community members explored groundwater pathways using a hands-on model. Customized maps helped participants explore the site from a variety of perspectives. Live polling results during the workshop helped everyone understand participants’ knowledge of groundwater contamination issues and priority community concerns. Today, Skeo continues to support EPA efforts to address the community’s technical assistance and outreach needs.