Equity, Sustainability and Resilience

Environmental Justice and Equitable Reinvestment

Developing Interactive Annual Reports, Sharing EPA Accomplishments with Diverse Audiences


Each day, EPA’s Superfund program makes sure people can live and work in healthy places. As part of these efforts, EPA shares outcomes, best practices and lessons learned with diverse audiences on a regular basis. For example, the Superfund program in EPA Region 4 sought to share its efforts to restore and protect the air, land and water in communities across the southeastern United States.


Skeo worked with Region 4 to develop web-interactive annual reports in English and Spanish that incorporated project vignettes, site interviews and maps, photographs, and other graphics. From partnerships tackling local environmental justice issues to community-led efforts revitalizing neighborhoods with jobs, new businesses and tax revenues, the report shared compelling stories about how the program makes a visible difference in communities.


EPA Region 4’s Superfund program shares dynamic, visually compelling annual reports that effectively communicate its mission and value to communities, agencies, tribes and the private sector.

In addition to annual reports, we help EPA programs cover a wide range of news, developing in-depth case studies, fact sheets, videos, web content, multimedia presentations and other materials for diverse audiences. Recent materials have focused on renewable energy projects, equitable mixed-use development, green infrastructure planning, ecological revitalization, urban agriculture, walkable watersheds and environmental justice.

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